Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That the Root and Herb Market be removed from the street ·before the Corn Market, to the shed near the Bridewell. Whereas there have been several disturbances in this City, and rescues committed, ordered, that when a rescue shall be committed the Mayor may order any sum not exceeding 40 shill. for the recovery of the rescuers. That Robt. Maynard, Esq., be made a freeman at large of this City. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Newenham; Alden. Morley, Terry; Mr. Carie, Pembrock, Jackson, Bousfield, Common Speaker, and Mr. Engaine. 22 Jan., 1782. The Charters of King Charles I. and Oliver's g1ven to Mr. Hoare to inspect, were this day returned. That Mr. Willm. Johnson, having served Ald. Phillips and Mr. Savage French, be admitted free. That Nath 1., son of Edwd. Sweeny, dec., be admitted into S. Stephen's Hospital, recommended by Mr. Geo. Fuller. That £3 17s. 11d. be paid Ald. Austin, paid by him when Mayor, to Wm. Clarke, goldsmith, for two silver boxes for Mr. Thos. Corker and Hon. Mr. Percival, and for mending the maces. That £6 1s. be paid Wm. Clarke, goldsmith,for four silver boxes, viz., for Mr. Southwell, Ld. Orrery, and the two Capts. of H. M. Ships, and for mend- ing three maces. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden, Delahoide, Morley, Terry, Bennett, Millerd, Austin, Fuller, Engaine, Owgan, Jackson, Pembroke, and Bousfield, Common Speaker. 30 Jan., 1732. By order 28 Sep. last, the holdings formerly held by Tho. Polly were to be set in five several lots. But we being of opinion 'tis most advisable to set in one entire lot, ordered, that they be set in one lot for 99 years from 25 March next, according to the mears and bounds as held by said Polly. That Mr. Robt. Hoare be appointed agent for this City to conduct their lawsuits. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriff N ewenham ; Alden. Terry, Bennett, Atkins~ Millerd, Austen ; Mr. Fuller, Engaine, Pembrock, Owgan, Jackson, and Bousfield, Common Speaker. -..

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