That £1 14s. 4d. be paid Mr. John Croker for his bill of Costs in the cause between Richard Broclesby, Ald. Huleatt, and others. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. N ewenham; Alden. Delahoide, Morley, Terry, Bennett, Cr~mer, Millerd, Austin; Mr. Pembrock, Owgan, Jackson, and Bousfield, Common Speaker. l{em. That the Council was summoned to meet 20 Dec., 1732, at 4 o'clock, that we waited till half past G, and there not heing a sufficient number, could not proceed to business, and this has been the third time tho Council could not proceed. l{em. That the Charter of King Charles I. and Oliver were given to Mr. Hoare to inspect.-Robt. Hoare, Clk. Council. Present--Mr. l{ayor, Sher. Newenham; Alden. Terry, Cramer, Atkins, Fuller; Mr. Engaine, Pembroke, Jackson, and Bousfield, Common Speaker. 27 Dec., 1732. That l{r. Mayor, Ald. Delahoide, Morley, two Sheriffs, and Com. S1>eaker do on Wednesday next,.3 Jan., view the incroachments presented to have been committed by Mr. Richard Broclesby, and report. That Sheriff Newman contract with Mr. liitchell, or any other person ho thinks fit, for the new Casting of the City Court Bell That Mr. John Dennis' bill for timher, planks and boards for the use of the Corporation, amounting to .£142 19s. 6}d., be paid him. Whereas Leonard Cave's account for iron work for the use of the Cor- poration amounts to .£61 1s. 6d., .£40 thereof being already paid, and there being .£1 1s. 6d. deducted, ordered, that .£20 be paid him in full. That Joseph Lingen, Esq., Commander of H. M. Ship Crewser, now in the harbour, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. That -- Slanter, Esq., Commander of H. M. Ship Hound, be pre- sented do. That the Fire Engine belonging to this City be put in repair. That the ground belonging to this City near the Barracks be viewed by both Sherifls, Ald. Cramer, Mr. Carre, Pembrock, and Com. Speaker, and report how to convert said ground to best advantage. That - Scott, son of Capt. Scott, who formerly sailed out of this City, be admitted into S. Stephen's Hospital, recommended by Mr. Mayor.
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