Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That £2 11s. 6d. be :paid John Carroll, so much expended by him for the use of the Corporation. That the two Sheriffs, Ald. Delahoide, and Mr. Pembrock do meet Mr. John Dennis and talk to him about the timber he promised to give towards building the Bridewell. That the Custom of the Gateage be set by public cant for one year, from 1 Nov. next, the person who takes it to be furnished with a docket of fees, and if any dispute should arise between such persons who farms it on account of fees due to him, such dispute shall be determined by the Mayor; security to be given to pay what shall be agreed for said custom of gateage, in equal parts monthly. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Delahoide, Morley, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Austin; Mr. Engaine, Carre, Pembrock, Owgan, Jackson, and Bousfield, Common Speaker. Whereas we apprehend that the setting the gateage and Customs of the City of Corke will be attended with many disputes, and that probably the Farmer thereof will find some occasion to refuse paying any thing at all for said Gateage upon some person or other controverting some articles of the Gateage (as happened formerly when said Gateage was set), or we appre- hend that it is much more for the advantage o~ peace of the City to have said Gateage collected by some diligent faithful person, as it has been for some years, We therefore enter our protest against the resolution taken of setting said gateage; witness our hands this 28 Sep., 1732.-James Piersy, Vic. Com., Augustus Carre. Memorand. This book was closed this lOth of Octb., 1732, before any business was done, and the orders of this day are entered in the New Book. Signed .p order, Robt. Hoare, Clke. Coun 8 • Present-Sam 1• Croker, Esq., Mayor; Sher. Newenham; Alden. Delahoide, Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Millerd, Austin, Engaine ; M.r. Pembrock, and Bousfield, Common Speaker.


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