27 July, l 732. )( That the Right Hon. John, Earl of Orrery, and Right Revd. Edwd., Lord Bishop of Cloyne, be each presented with his freedom in a Silver box. Present-Mr. Mayor, J. Piersy, Sheriff; S. Croker, Mayor Elect; Alden. Allen, Broclesby, Terry, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins; Mr. Carre, Engain, Bous- field, Common Speaker. 23 .Aug., 1732. That Mr. Sheriff Travers, Ald. Cramer and Bennett, Mr. Carre, Pembrock, and Bousfield, Common Speaker do inspect the Waterbailiff's accounts and report. That Edward, eldest son of .Ald. Hoare, be admitted free. That the street leading from North Gate to South Gate be repaired, and that the Mayor and Mayor Elect do agree with a workman for same. That Mr. Russell Woods attend the Dei's. to a bill in Chancery preferred against them by Mr. Richd. Broclesby, and take the heads of their answers for council. That the Mayor, Justice of the Peace, and Sheriff of this City be indem- nified by this Corporation in discharging their duty against the Journeymen Coopers. That Sheriff Travers, Ald. Cramer, Bennett, and Mr. Carre, Pembrock, and Bousfield, Common Speaker, with Mr. Engain, examine Mr. Master's accounts. Whereas there has been a bill preferred by ·some refractory persons against the Company of the Barber Surgeons of this City, ordered, that said Company be supported in their ancient rights. If any freeman do assist such refractory persons he shall be disfranchised, and we appoint Mr. Russell Wood, Attorney, to assist the Company in preserving their rights. Present-James Piersy and Robt. Travers, Sheriffs; Mr. Sam 1• Croker, Mayor Elect; Alden. Delahoide, Hoare, Morley, Bennett, Cramer, Millerd, Austin; Mr. Geo. Fuller, Aug. Carre, Engain, Pembrock, Owgan, Bous~· field, C.S. 25 Sep., 1732. That Mr. Mayor Elect, both Sheriffs, Ald. Millerd, Pembrock, Mr. Owgan and Bousfield, Common Speaker, do view the premises that Mr. Thos.
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