Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



tion lies under for money advanced towards building o.nd rebuilding several churches in this City. That £5 ls. 6d. expended by Mr. Dan 1• Engain in a suit between tho Corporation and rt!r. Richd. Broclesby be paid him. Present-~1r. ~1ayor, }.fr. Sher. Piersy; AlJen. Delahoide, Allen, Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Cramer, Atkins, }.fillerd; ~Ir. Croker, Carre,, Pcm- brocke, Owgan.

28 June, 1732. ~Ir. Ambrose Jackson was sworn of the Council

The Council proceeded to the Election of Clerk of the Council, and Mr. Robt. Hoare was unanimously elected; it was resolved that said Hoare shall not have any deputy, and that he shall provide for the Council books, pens, ink, and paper for entering their records, and to give out their orders gratis. Present-M.r. }.fayor and Mr. Travers ; Alden. Crone, Delahoide, IIoaro, Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Hawkins, Millerd; Mr. Croker, Engain, Pem- brocke, Jackson. 11 July, 1732. That the Clerk of the Council write to Mr. John Croker, Attorney, to employ a Six Clerk of the Court of Chancery to appear for James Huleatt, Esq., }..!ayor, James Piersy and Robt. Travers, Sheriffs, Ald. Jos. Austen, John Baldwin, Will. Pope and Danl. Engain, and such others as appear to be served with a subpcena at the suit of Richd. Broclesby, at tho expense of the Corporation. That £7 lOs. be expended at Blackrock Castle 1 Aug. next for an enter- ~ tainment in order to hold a court for the conservation of the river. That James Piersy and Rob. Travers, Sheriffs, Ald. Geo. Bennett, Mr. Tho. Pembrock, wm. Owgan, Amb. Jackson, and Mr. Tho. Bousfield, Com. Speaker, do inspect the Chamberlain's, Mr. D. Engain's and Mr. Martin's accounts. Presen~ ames Huleatt, Mayor; James Piersy, Sheriff; Alden. Delahoide, Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennet, Cramer ; Mr. Carre, Engain, Pembrock, Jackson, Bousfield, Com. Speaker.

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