order to preserve same from innovation, it is necessary to build a wall to the north side of said ground, ordered, that a wall 3 feet high be built there, and that Mr. Mayor, Croker, and Com. Speaker be overseers of the work. Ordered, that the piece of ground, part of the Corporation yard on the west of the passage leading into S. raul's Churchyard, be grante<l by the Corporation to said church as an addition to the churchyard, viz., in a direct line from the lower end of the east part of the ground on the other side of the said passage to the wall of 1\fr. John Hawkins' holdings, reserv- ing an equal depth on the west side of the said passage, with the ground on the east side of the said passage from the street ; the said ground to be staked out by Mr. Mayor, the Sheriffs, Ald. Bennett, Morley, Mr. Pembrocke, and Com. Speaker. Also, that the rest of the Corporation yard be set to public cant for the term of 99 years, and the setting be immediately posted up. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Piersy; Alden. Allen, Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins; Mr. Croker, Engain, Pembrock. 31 May, 1732. That the Chamberlain lay his accounts before the next Council and attend there. That Mr. Mayor, Mr. Sheriff Piersy, and Com. Speaker do lay the Charters of this City before two able Council, to have their opinion relating to the right of electing a Town or Common Clerk of the Crown and I>eace and Not. Public for this City, and that 2 guineas be given them as a fee. That the W at~rbailitf attend with his accounts at next Council. That Mr. Miles Martin attend next Council with such books and papers as relate to the Customs thereof. Present--Mr. Mayor, Mr. Sheriff Piersy; Alden. Delahoide, Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Atkins, Cramer, Millerd; Mr. Croker, Pembrock, Owgan. 8 June, 1732. That the Right Hon. Edward Southwell, Prine. Sec. of State, be presented with his freedom in a Silver boL
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