The Council having considered the last part of the foregoing Reports relating to the Ballast Act, and the said merchants being of opinion that a petition be preferred to the Parliament by the Mayor, &c., of this City, in a Corporate way, to repeal the Ballast Act for this City. It passed in the negative, 12 members of Council being against petitioning the Parliament, and only 10 for petitioning. A Petition of the several Masters, Wardens, and Societies of the several trades, arts and fraternities in this City being read in relation .to quarterage, Resolved, that the Council will take the same into consideration for the better aiding, supporting and assisting the said several trades ; and also, that Mr. Mayor, and all Aldermen of the Ward before whom_any refractory person or persons may be brought, shall be defended from any vexatious suit or trouble that might be given by such person or persons as aforesaid, at the expense of this Corporation. (I am for all the above except the Ballast Act.-James Huleatt, Mayor.) Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Delahoide, Phillips, Allen, French, Morley, Terqr, Broclesby, Bennett, Hawkins, Cramer, Atkins, Millerd ; Mr. Fuller, Power, Carre, Lane, Engain, and Com. Speaker. 8 .April, 1732. That Ald. Millerd, Mr. Croker, Engain, and Com. Speaker do call on Wm. Newenham, Esq., executor of the last will of James Browne, dec., School- master of S. Stephen's hospital, and inspect the accounts of said Browne relating to the Hospital, and report. That Mr. Thomas Beare, merch t., be admitted free paying £5. That J ehosiphatt Huleatt, the Mayor's brother, at the request of Mr. Mayor, be admitted free. ~, That the Right Hon. Marmaduke Coghill, P.C., be presented with his freedom in a silver box. That the Hon. Sir John Freke, Bart., be presented with his freedom. Present- Mr. Mayor, the Sheriffs, Recorder; Alden. Delahoide, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins, Millerd, Austen; Mr. Croker, Engain, Owgan, Com. Speaker.
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