Broclesby, Dennett, Cramer, l\IillerJ; l\Ir. Croker, Huleatt, Lane, Mr. Com. Speaker. 7 Dec., 1730. That a watch-house be forthwith lmilt over the water at the South 'Vest angle of the North Bridge, and that :\Ir. :1\Iayor, Ald. Phillips, l\Iillerd, Mr. Alexander l\litchell do oversee and direct same, the expense to be raised on the public. That a Bridewell be built on the Corporation ground next adjoyning 1\Ir. John Dennis's quay, and that a passage be left at the 'Vest side thereof adjoining the City Wails of 5 feet in breadth. Present--1\fr. l\Iayor, both Sheriffs, 1\Ir. Recorder ; Alden. Phillips, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Rob. Atkins, l\lillerd, J n. Atkins; Mr. Croker, Lane, and Com. Speaker. 11 Jan., 1730. That the 1\Iayor, Sheriffs, Recorder, Com. Speaker, and Ald. Phillips do meet Edward Roche, Esq., and treat with him about the renewal of the lease of that part of the Exchange held by lease from his ancestors, and report his proposals. That the tenements under the City Court House be forthwith set for such term as shall be agreed in the Court of Deer Hundred, subject to the proviso that the tennants shall surrender in three months' notice. That it is the opinion of this board that it is for the interest of this City that the Ballast Act be immediately put in execution, and that 1\fr. Mayor call a Court of Deer Hundred for that purpose. That Revd. Thos. Blennerhasset be paid £20, a year's Sallmoy, as Chaplain to the Corporation. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Hignett, 1\Ir. Recorder; Alden. Phillips, Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Rob. Atkins, J n. Atkins ; Mr. Croker, Fuller, Lane, Com. Speaker. 18 Jan., 1730. The Council not being met pursuant to their summons, postponed to a second summons. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, Sher. Hignt>tt ; Alden. Terry, Bennett, l\1illerd, J no. Atkins ; 1\lr. Power, Lane, and Com. Speaker. 63-2
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