Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


19 ]\" ov., 1730. Resoh·ed, that whoever shall be elected Clerk of the Crown of this City and Public Xotary shall have no deputy, and should there Le an absolute necessity for a Deputy, that no practising attorney or uthL·r person lmt sueh as shall be appointed l,y the ~Iayor, &c., shall act as Vepnty. That the Clerk of the Crown, ur such as shall Le eleeted tu that ufiice, iu consideration of the office in the Exchange for keeping the Hecord::J, do cuu- stantly attend the :\Iayor, &c., and provide for them Looks, p~us, ink, paper, and other requisites for entering and keeping their HccorJs, ami give out their orders [p·atis. On the Election of a Clerk of the Crown and Pub. Xotary, Mr. 'Vm. Lane was elected ·nen~. con., said Lane was likewi::Je elected Clerk of the Council. Present-.lfr. l\fayor, :\Ir. Sher. Hignett, Mr. Recorder; Ald" 0 • :French, Morley, Terry, Hawkins, Broclesby, Bennett, Atkins, Millerd, Jn. Atkins; 1tir. Croker, Fuller, Power, Lane. John Atkins, S. Croker, Geo. :Fuller, Fran. I>ower voted for :\Ir. L~ne. "To the third Resolution I dissent, and therefore do protest against it.- Hugh l\fillerd. " I do protest against the Council's electing a Clerk of the Crown and Pub. Notary in right of the Commons.-Fran. Healy, Speaker." 3 Dec., 1730. Ordered, that the Chamberlain discharge the Bills drawn by the Recorder for the expense of the Ballast Act, with the interest due on them, which still remain unpaid in the hands of l\Iessrs Harper and Morris, notwith- standing former orders, and if there is not a sufficient sum to discharge same, then such sum as shall appear to oe wanting be taken up at interest. That the tennants now in possession of the apartments under the City Court lately in the possession of Ald. Lavit have liberty to continue in same till 25 March, at the improved rent they were to pay Ald. Lavit. That Mr. Mayor, Ald. Knapp, Phillips, Millerd, both Sheriffs, Mr. Croker, :Mr. Com. Speaker do view the incroachments on the Old l\Iarket place, also the holdings of Tho. Poley, dec., with those of lir. Jonas Devonshire m Fair lane, and report. That Walter, eluest son of Pif'rce Goold, dec., be admitted a freeman. G3


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