Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That Mr. Common Speaker give notice to the persons mentioned in the order of 12 Aug. shall be paid on }!onday next. That Ald. Hoare do take the oaths of a Justice of the peace of this City. Present--Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Delahoid, l,hillips, J.Iorley, Terry, Broclesby, Rob. Atkins, Cramer, Bennett, J.Iillerd, Jn°. Atkins; lir. Fuller, Rowland, Power, J.Ir. Healy, Common Speaker. 24 Oct., 1730. By order of 12 Aug. several persons were ordered to be paid, &c. But it appearing to the Council that it will be more convenient to pay off tho persons following, viz. : Mr. Benj. Roberts £200 instead of £100 to the four parishes and £100 due to the Green Coat Hospital, ordered, that said lfr. B. Hoberts be paid accordingly. That £51 118. 6d. be paid l!r. John Dennis for timber for the use of the Corporation. That £3 158. be paid Mr. William Martin for three Silver Snuff boxes -1" given to several Honow-able persons. Present--l!r. l!ayor, Sheriff Hignet; Alden. l!m·ley, Terry, llrocleslJy, Bennett, Cramer, Millerd, J n. Atkins ; Mr. Croker, }'uller, I,ower, H~ Com. Speaker. 26 Oct., 1730. That the Mayor's Sallery be £365 for tl1e year, also £100 for con- ,. tingencies. That £15 be allowed for an entertainment on the King's birth day, and I that the Sherifis and Com. Speaker, Ald. Bennett and Cramer do provide same. That Jasper, son of Ald. A!orris, be admitted free, having served Mr. J n°. :A! orris. Present-Yr. liayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Delahoid, Phillips, lforley, Bennett, Terry, Broclesby, Cramer, Millerd, Jno. Atkins; Mr. Croker, Fuller, Power, and Com. Speaker. 2 Nov., 1730. That Mr. Webber write to Mr. Croker, the Attorney, to have a copy of

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