Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


7 jJarch, 1729. That Mr. Mayor answer the letter of Hugh Dickson, Esq., our Recorder and one of our representatives in Parliament, dated 3 inst., ami to assure him proper directions will be given the Chamberlain to honour such bills of Exchange as said Dickson shall draw on account of the Act. Present-1\{r. 1\fayor, 1\Ir. Sheriffs B.ealy and Parker ; Ald 0 ". Morley, Terry, Hawkins~ Broclesby, Atkins, 1\Iillerd; 1\fr. Austin, 1\Ir. Com. Speaker. 13 May, 1730. That the Right Hon. Richard Tigh, Esq., be presented with his ft-eedom in a silver box by the 1\fayor. That 1\fr. Webber answer Mr. Tigh and thank him for his care of the interests of this City. That Wm. Busteed, having served Mr. Samt. Parke; James, eldest son of Thomas Eason ; Richard, eldest son of Ald. Cramer ; and Thomas, eldest son of Peter Cooke, be admitted freemen at large. That Mr. James Atkins, Ebenezer Pike, and Horatio Town~end be admitted free, paying £5 each. Present-Mr.l\fayor, Mr. Recorder, two Sheriffs; Alden. Phillips, 1\Iorley, Terry, Cramer, Bennet, Atkins, Millerd; Mr. Addis, Austin, Fuller Huleatt, Mr. Com. Speaker. 4 June, 1730. That Alden. Cramer, Atkins, 1\Iillerd, two Sheriffs, and Com. Speaker do view the house wherein Thomas Sally lives and see whether the founda- tions of said house may be carried out into the South River and how far without prejudice to the river, and report. That John Rogers be paid 16 shill and 3 pence for painting work done to the Mayor's Gallery inS. Peter's Church. That William, eldest son of James Hingston; John Smith, having served Henry Fitzgerald ; 1\Iichael, eldest son of Michrel End ; Thomas, eldest son of John Newenham ; Swithen, eldest son of Swithen 'Vhite ; Wm. I. .. ane, having ·served Mr. Dan I. Engain; Thomas Owgan, having served Will Lambley; Henry Lane, having served 1\fr. Danl. Engain ; Francis Sleigh, having served 1\fr. Joseph Sleigh; John Johnson, having served 'Vm. Pope; G2-2


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