Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Present-1.1r. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Phillips, Broclesby, Bennett; llr. Austin, Huleatt, Rowland, Power, Lane.

18 Aug., 1729. That £4 11s. 8d. be paid 1.Ir. Bcnj. Roberts to discharge the remainder of a Bill of Costs of Thomas Staunton, Esq., late agent, and that the bill on lfr. Lane be delivered up to him. Wm. Newenham, Esq., being elected one of the Sheriffs of this City, and approved, but refusing to take that office, ordered, that the Court of Deer Hundred be summoned, and notice given by the Bellman of this City to meet next Thursday to elect another Sheriff. That £5 be paid the Revd. :Mr. Jephson, ordered 24 Jtme, 1728, read and agreed to. The next coming Judges of Assize, viz., Lord Chief Justice Reynolds &.nd Prime Serjeant Singleton to be presented with their freedoms in silver boxes. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, J. Akius, Esq., Mayor Elect; both Sheriffs; Aldm. Knapp, Phillips, 1.Iorley, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins; Mr. Austin, and Lane. 25 Aug., 1729. That Richard, son of Charles Hill, and grandson of Ald. Wm. Hovell, be admitted free at large. That the Right Honl. James, Lord Baron Kingston, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. Present-1\Ir. Mayor, Mr. Recorder, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Phillips, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Fuller, Power, Lane. 30 Aug., 1729. That £20 118. 8d. be paid 1\Ir. John Croker, the City Attorney in Dublin, in full of his accounts to this day, of which sum £3 168. 4d. is disbursed in the Blue Coat Hospital's affairs, to be charged to said Hospital's accounts. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder, both Sheriffs; Alden. Knapp, Morley, Bennett, Cramer; Mr. Croker, Rowland, Power, Lane.



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