Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That the twelve casks of rice which Mr. Sheriff Engain hath, be bought by the Corporation at 19 shillings per hundred, and that Mr. Mayor, when he thinks proper, do order a cask to be sold in the Market. That £40 be paid to Mr. Croker, the Corporation Attorney, to pay the cost of a Serjeant at Anns against Mr. Lewis and others, and that the persons who shall become security in the cause commenced by Henry Purdon, Esq., be indemnified at the Corporation expense. The aforesaid orders, except that relating to the Lord Bishop, be referred to the Court of Deer hundred. That Mr. Jonas Morris, having served Mr. Hugh Mitchell, mercht., be ad- mitted a freeman. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Phillips, Morley, Hawkins, Broclesby, Bennett, Atkins; Mr. Austin, Rowland, Power, Lane. 29 July, 1729. Whereas Mr. Thos. Croker, of Dublin, ~ ......h in many instances been very serviceable to this City, and especially in being lately bound in a recogni- zance of £1000 in a lawsuit depending in the Court of Exchequer, at the suit of Henry Purdon, Esq., in relation to the river, ordered, that Mr. Croker be indemnified, and that the Council do give Mr. Croker .thanks for his services and friendship. That the Town Clerk or his Deputy do for the future draw the Leases of the Stalls in the Flesh Shambles, and other leases of this Corporation, and that no further leases of the Shambles be set without further order. That Robt. Eason, having served Ald. Richard Phillips, be sworn free at large. That Christopher, son of Matthias Earbery, Esq., dec., having served Ald. Dan 1• Crone, be admitted free. That John Browne, mariner, an ancient freeman on the statute, be ad- mitted free at large. That John Nugent, apothecary, only son of Garret Nugent, an ancient freeman, be admitted a freeman. It appearing that there hath not been disposed of the quantity of rice directed last· Council day to be bought, Mr. Mayor is desired to order the same to be sold to the best advantage.

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