Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



6 June, 1729. 1\-Ir. 'Villiam Lane sworn of the Common Council. That a book be kept for entering the admissions to S. Stephen's Hospital, to commence this day. On reading the petition of Eliz. IIouder, willow, ordereJ, that the Mayor, &c., do view the tenement adjoining the South llriuge belonging to said llodder, and report if it will be any prejudice to the briuge or river to build a wall as desired. Whereas there have been several riots and unlawful assemblies of late committed, particularly on 2 and 3 June inst., during the continuance of the Fair of this City, and also on 5 inst. To detect the persons concerned, and to suppress same, ordered, that 1\Ir. :Mayor cause public proclamation to be made by the Bellman, promising a reward of £5 to be given to any person or persons who shall discover any three principal persons concerned, and guilty of said riots, so that any be brought to justice anu convict. That Mr. Lane acquaint Mr. Croker, attorney, that this Corporation do name their Chamberlain, }.fr. Francklyn, as security in their suit with 1.Ir. Purdon, relating to the fishery of this river. That Mr. Mayor do direct a proper entertainment to be at the Exchange, on the King's Accession, the expense not to exceed £15. The Sheriffs, Com. Speaker, and }.fr. 1\Iayor to join in ordering it. Present-1\Ir. }.fayor, both Sheriffs; AlJen. Phillips, Morley, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins; 1\Ir. Huleatt, }.fr. Common Speaker, anu Lane. 9 July, 172~. That £10 be paiu Revd. 1\Ir. John Bayly for a year's service in the gaols. That £1 3s. be paid Revd. 1\Ir. Thos. Blenerhasset for his sermon last election day, That £8 6s. be paid the 'Vidow Foucault for seven silver boxes given with freedoms, and .£1 3s. to 1\Ir. Newenham for a box to Sir Ralph Gore, and £1 3s. to the .Musick that played on her l\Iaj. birth-day. That one penny per day be given for a month to the respective debtors in the City gaol That the Sheriffs do give the Lord Bishop of Cork thanks for his great and extensive Charity to the poor of this City at this time of scarcity and want.



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