That 1\Ir. l\Iayor do write to AlJ. Hoare to inform him that Ald. Pocy was at said Poey's request disfranchiseu, and that Alu. Hoare is the next senior Alderman, and to desire he will come to be sworn a Justice of tho l~eace in his turn. That £17 17s. ld. be paid l-Ir. John Croker, law expences for the Corpo- ration. That a quay be carried from the end of the quay leading to 1\:l'r. Dennis's ground for the use of the City, in such manner as the following overseers shall direct-Mr.l\Iayor, Ald. Dennett, 1\Ir. Croker, Austin, and John Dennis• the money to be paid weekly. Whereas it is pretended that Gillabbey is not within the liberties of this City, and not liable to pay the rates applotted for mending the high-ways, and that the distresses taken on such applutment have been replevied, ordered, that the expense of the suite be borne by the Corporation. Present-lir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Austin, ~lr. ll.ecoruer; AlJen. Phillips, Allen, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Atkins; 1\Ir. Croker, Austin, Fuller, llowbllll, Atkins, Com. Speaker. 21 April, 1729. That the streets be forthwith mended at the Corporation expense. That Sir Ralph Gore be presented with his freedmn in a Silver box. That a Corporation Gallery be made in S. l'aul's church, anJ that Ahl. Bennett, Cramer, ~fr. Austen, Croker, and Bridges be Overseers. That Peter Eason be paid 30 shill. for 30 tar barrels. That Robert, only son of Ald. Simon Dring, dec., be admitted a fremnan. A Bye-law for the better qualifying Burgesses, for being l\Iayors, and .Free- men for being Sheriffs, was read the first time. A Bye-law for disfranchising and disqualifying Ald. Bernard Poey from being a Justice of the Peace, by reason of his long absence from this City, was read the first time. That the order of 18 July, 1726, for clearing the navigation of the Lock River be enforced, and that Ald. Cramer, 1\-Ir. Croker, and Mr. Com. Speaker do see the same, and make the bridge over said river and other places fit for boats to pass and go up the same and that they receive £10 for doinJ same. Gl-2
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