Mr. Mayor having this day produced in Council a paper importing a subscription for a sum of money for the better providing bread and corn for ~- the use of this City at this time of scarcity, as by the said subscription paper may more at large appear, and that whatsoever deficiency may happen to be paid by the Corporation, also that the amounts be subject to the ill- spection of the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Com. Council. Whereas the mob of this City rose lately in a most tumultuous manner and attacked Mr. Mayor's house and assaulted him, the Council, finding it necessary to provide ammunition for the defence of this City, ordered, that Mr. Mayor do pay Ald. Morley and Mr. Holland Goddard for the ammu- nition taken up for the defence of the City, and that Mr. Mayor do pay the expense of the army who assisted him and Mr. Sheriff Austin in quelling said mob and guarding this City, and that he also pay any future expenses during the time the City is threatened by said mob. Present---Mr. Mayor, Sher. Austin; Alden. Morley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer; Mr. Austin, Fuller, Huleatt, Rowland, Mr. Com. Speaker. 7 April, 1729. Mr. Francis Rowland sworn a member of the Council. That 23 shill. be paid Revd. Mr. Baily for a sermon preached 5 Nov. last. That the several persons following be admitted freemen at large:
John, son of Richd. Pike, having served his father. Henry Bennett, having served John Woodmason. Edward Campion, having served Francis Rowland. Thomas Wood, having served Francis Wood. George, eldest son of Francis Rogers, Esq. William, eldest son of Mr. John Hare. John, eldest son of Henry Whedon. William Eburn, having served John Hamman.
Joshua, eldest son of Thos. Weight. Richard, eldest son of Wm. Allen.
Thomas, eldest son of Christ. Devonshire. Richard, eldest son of Jn°. Newenham. John, son of Ald. Chartres. George, son of George Backster. Benj. Roberts, son-in-law to Ald. Richd. Phillips.
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