Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That John Gray, merchant, having served Holland GoJJarJ, be admitted free. That the Hight Ron. Lord Yiscount ~Iidleton be presented by 1\Ir.l\Iayor with his freedom in a sih·er box. Present- Mr. 1\Iayor, TiecorJer; Ahlcn. Phillips, Ab. French, 1\Iorley, Terry, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins, Browne, two Sheriffs ; 1\Ir. AdJi.~, Austen, Fuller, Huleatt, Atkins, Com. Speaker. 27 Jan., 1728. Mr. Croker having missed his tun1 of presenting a boy to the Blue Coat Hospital, ordered, that Henry, son of John 1:-'itz, be awnitteJ by 1\Ir. Croker, next turn to Ald. Hoare. That 1\Ir. Sampson Toogood, having served Ahl. Love, be admitted free ; also the follo"~ing :

John DenniR, having served Tho. Dale. Edward Browne do. AlJ. Edw. Drownc. Silvester Clerke, do. Paull\Iaylor. John Baldwin, do. Theo. Yan Sevenhoven. Sam•., ehlest son of Saml. Randall, served his father. Robt. Armstrong, do. Theod. Yan Sevenhoven. · Jn. Softlow, elJest son of Will. Softlow. Gamble Hooper, having ser\·ed Ald. 1\Iorley.

George, eldest son of Edwd. 'Vehber. Christr., eldest son of Phil. Crofts. J emmett, eldest son of Ald. Browne. William, eldest son of James Kingsmill Roger Ash, having served Wm. Perry. Sam 1., son of Dan 1• Francklyn.

Present- Mr. liayor, Sheriff Austen, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Crone, Dela- hoid, .Allen, Ph. French, Terry, Ab. French, Broclesby, Cramer, Atkins; Mr. Croker, Austin, Fuller, Atkins, Com. Speaker. 1 M a'rch, 1728. Ordered, that being the Queen's birtl1-day, an entertainment be made this evening to celebrate the event at the City expense.

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