Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriff I.ane; Alden. Knapp, Delahoid, Allen, 1\forley, Terry, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins; Mr. Croker, Addis, Austen, Fuller, Huleatt. 3 Oct., 1728. llugh 1\Iillcrtl, Esq., ::\Iayor. The 1\.fayor and Sheriffs Dan 1• Engain and Thos. Austin were sworn of tho Council during office. That £17 9s. 3d. be paid A1tl. Tho. nrowue for repairing the Exchange. That 46 shill. be paid Rcvd.l\fr. Gray for preaching two Sermons, viz., on 1\fichas. day, and Swearing 1\Ir. 1\fayor. That 1\Ir. 'Vm. Newenham be paid £3 Ds. for three silver boxes, viz., to Lord Londonderry, the Capt. of a man of war, and Wm. \V mth, Esq. That 'Villiam, son of Ben. 'Vintrop, having served his father, be admitted a freeman. That the several persons following be admittc<l freemen : William, elrlest son of Williar.1 Norris, an ancient freeman ; James }\for- timer, having served Joseph Austin; Richard Fish, having served 1\fr. \Vm. Owgan ; Thomas Fleming, having served 1\Ir. J n. Carlton ; John Terry, eluest son of Ald. Terry ; 'Vm. Crooke, having served 1\Ir. Thomas Crooke and l\1r. Wm. Owgan ; George, eldest son of 1\Ir. 'Vm. Hales, having served his father; Edward Tn.yler, eldest son of Bcrkly Tayler, Esq.; Adam New- man, having served Ald. Ph. French, and Thomas, eldest son of Thomas Berry. Present-1\Ir.l\Iayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Knapp, Delahoid, lloare, Phillips, Allen, 1\Iorley, Terry, Ph. French, Broclcsby, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins, Tho. Browne ; ~lr. Croker, Austin, Addis, },uller, Hulcatt. 4 l!r ov., 1728. That the Mayor's Sallary be £365, was agreed to. That £3 9s. be paid Jn. 1\Ioore, mason, with the presentment for £5 for making the new Common shore near the main guard. That the Mayor send to Dublin for a set of new Standard weights, from half a hundred to quarter of an ounce. That 50 Water buckets be bought at the Corporation expence, and hung up in the Exchange.

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