LORD CARTERET rnESE~!ED WITD IllS FREF.DO~I I~ A GOLD DOX. 47i majority, t•iz., For Eaton Stannard, Esq., 11 ; for Hugh Dickson, Esq., i; for " ..illiam Chartres, Esq., 2; }.. or John Crone, Esq., 1. Present-~Ir. ~Iayor, Sher. Atkins; Alden. Crone, Knapp, Deblwitl, Hoare, Phillips, Allen, Ph. French, Ab. French, ~Iorlt•y, Terry, Hawkin~, Broclesby, Bennet, Cramer, Atkins ; )lr. ~-\.thlis, Croker, Austin, Fuller (postea), Ald. L·wit, ~Ir. Sher. Lane. 22 .Apl·il, 1728. His Excellency the Lord Carteret, Lord Lieutenant, having showed his great friendship and regard to this City, especially in relation to the Bay and " ..oollen yarn which so much concerns the interest and welfare thereof, it is ordered, that His Excellency be presented with his freedom in a Gold box of about 20 guineas or 25 pound value, and that Thomas ClutterLuck, Esq., his Excellency's Secretary, being also serviceable to the City, on the same occasion be presented with his freedom in a Silver Lox. Present-lli. liayor, ~Ir. Sheriff L<tne; Aldtn. Knapp, DelahoiJ, Hoare, Phillips, Terry, BroclesLy, Bennett, Cramer, Atkins; llr. Austen. 7 Jfay, 1728. That the ballance of Mr. Foucault's account, being .£::!6 1s. Gd. be paid him. That £7 9s. be paid Ald. Bennett for several acts of Parliament and seven large folio Prayer Books, three whereof were in Turkey leather. That the several Captains of the Men of 'V'ar now in the harbour, t•iz., Capt. Norbery, Capt. Jacob, Capt. llartin, Capt. llraithwait, and Ca}!t. Proctor be presented with their freedoms in Silver boxes. The question being put whether Eaton Stannard, Esq., should be admitted a freeman at large, carried by a Majority of 4 in 14 to admit him. Present-l!r. l!ayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Delahoicl, Hoare, I,llillips, Ph. French, Ab. French, Morley, Bennett, Cramer; llr. Austen and Fuller. 14 May, 1728. That £11 11s. 6d. be paid lli. John llansell for clothes furnished to six poor Men of Capt. Bretridge's Alms House out of the rents. Wbereas the Mayor was this day served with an order of the Privy Council dated 11llay, ordering the Books and Charters of this Corporativu
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