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2:3 .lYov., 1727.
That Connel v eraker, Esq., bt admitted free, the eldest SOH of a freeman. That "\Villiam Delahoid, eldest son and having served Rowland Delahoid, be admitted free. That Samuel Barret, having served ~Ir. Calwell, be admitted a freeman. That William, son of George Fuller, having served his father, be aclruittell a freeman. That Rodolph Perdrian, eldest son of an Alderman, be admitted a free- man. That Daniel, son of Jonathan Crone, an ancient freeman, be admitted freo. That John Armstea.U, having served a freeman, he adtuittcd free. That Abraham Farren be admitted a freeman. That John Hare's bill for Candles, £0 2s., be paid. That Edmond Terry be admitted free. That whatever expense the ~Iayor be at in preserving the fishery of the River be repaid him. Present-Mr. ~Iayor, Sheriff Atkins; Alden. Crone, Delahoid, Phillip~, Ab. French, Morley, Brocklesby, Bennett, Atkins, Joseph Austen Gco. Fuller. 7 Dec., 1:727. That Aid Bennett, the two Sheriffs, ~fr. Croker, Foucault, and Austin audit the Chamberlain's accounts, giving him three days' notice. That Mr. ~fayor, the two Sheriffs, and Common Speaker search the chest if there remains there any list of officers of the Militia, if not, that Mr. 1.-!ayor answer the letter he received from the Government to that purpose as he shall think proper. That Peter Eason be paid 40 shill. for tar barrels on several public occa- swns. Whereas it appears the gateage of the City is much lessened, ordered, that it be set yearly by public cant, subject to the docket agreed to between the City and county. That £15 be paid James Lemon for looking after the 13lue Boys, and that he be not required to attend any longer without new directions. Present-Mr. Afayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Morley, Lavit, Bennett; Mr. Addis, Croker, Austin, Fuller. G0-2
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