That James, son of Henry ~Ioor, recommended by AlJ. Hawkins; John, son of Bryen Sheehy, by Ald. Bennett, and Denis Driscoll, by 1\Ir. Newen- ham, be admitted into the Rlue Boys Hospital That Mr. ~fayor, Ald. Delahoid, Phillips, Ab. French and Cramer, bo managers of the entertainment on the King's Coronation, and that .£50 be allowed for same. Present - ~Ir. ~Iayor, Sheriff Jackson ; Ald 011 • Phillips, ~I orley, A b. French, Cramer, Bennet; !Ir. Croker, }""oulks, Austin, Addis, Huleatt (postea), Ald. Delahoid. 4 Sep., 1727. That :h!r. John Mansell have power to receive the rents payable to Bre- tridge's and Skiddy's Hospitals, and account for same. That Mr. Croker, Foulks, and ~Iansell call on the executors of Wm. Masters, to examine his accounts, and what is due to be paid to Mr. Man- sell. That Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor of the Staple, the two Constables of the Staple, Ald. Cramer, Mr. Foulks, Croker, and Austen, do examine tho accounts of the Blue Boy's Hospital, and report. That John, son of John Burke, be admitted into Blue Boy's Hos}>ital, recommended by Mr. Addis. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Delahoid, Phillips, Ab. French, Cramer, Bennet; l!r. Croker, Foulks, Austin, and Addis.
28 Oct., 1727. Thomas Browne, Esq., Mayor.
Mr. 1\fayor and Sheriffs sworn of the Council That .£15 be laid out on an Entertainment on Monday next, being the King's Birth-day, and that Ald. Delahoid, Phillips, Ab. French, and Morley be directors. That 17s. 6d. be paid Tho. Knox for ale delivered by him to Capt. :Maun.. sell's Company the night the King was proclaimed. That Mr. Francis Hodder having served Ald. ~lorley, be admitted a freeman. GO
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