to proclaim our present Sovereign Lord George the Second, who was that 1 night Proclaimed King. That 16s. 3d. be paid the Music, lOs. lOd. the ~~ Drums, Bs. 1~-d. the Trumpets on the Proclamation of His present Majesty f. King George the Second. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Phillips, Ab. French, Morley, Lavit, Bennet, Cramer; Mr. Austin, Foulks, Huleatt, Fuller, Busteed, Com. Speaker (postea), Ald. Allen. 19 July, 1727. \ ; That £5 18s. 8d. be paid Mr. Sheriff Crooke for mourning for the several churches on the death of His Maj. King George the first. That a lease be drawn pursuant to the memorandum given by Mr. John Hawkins in relation to the two feet of ground granted to enlarge the street going to the Custom House, near S. Paul's church. That Francis, eldest son of Ald. Edmd. Knapp, be admitted a freeman. That 50 shill. be paid the widdow of Lieut. Craven, due to her husband for his services as Adjutant to the Militia of this City. That the petition of Mr. John Dennis, relating to some ground near Kyrl's quay be referred to Ald. Phillips, Ab. French, Morley, Mr. Foulks and Austin, with the leases relating thereto, and to measure the ground. That £10 15s. 3d. be paid Mr. Herbert Phair for an entertainment on the King's Proclamation, and also £18 lOs. 2d. do. on King's Birth-day. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Sheriff Crooke; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Morley, Terry, Lavit, Bennet, Foulks, Austin, Fuller. 28 July, 1727. Several persons having desired to beCOJ?e freemen, and it being reported that there will soon be an election for Members of Parliament for this City, ordered, that no freeman be admitted till the said election be over. T~at Ald. Morley, Ab. French, and the two Sheriffs provide an entertain- ment 1 Aug., being King George's Accession to the Crown. Present-Mr. ·Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Delahoid, Morley, Ab. French, Bennet, Cramer, Terry; Mr. Morrison, Huleatt, Fuller. 28 Aug., 1727. That £10 17s. 3cl. be paid Leonard Cave for smith's work done for the Corporation.
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