Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



by Ald. I>h. French, and Jn. T~, by Ald. Ab. French, being Mr. Master's turn, be admitted to the Blue Boys Hospital. 'Vhereas the Corporation, on 11 June, 1725, ordered £100 for the Steeple of Christ Church, which was paid at £10 rer month, and also 2 Dec.· same year the sum of £100 was ordered toward8 the Bells of said Steeple, which was by adding applied to the charges of the Coal Act, lmt. the Hev. llr. Townsend and 1\Ir. Saml. \Vilson haYing passed their bond for said sum of £100 which was applied to the Coal Act, or(lered, that said bond Le de- livered up released; Lut said £100 do still remain a deLton the Coal Act towards a ring of Bells for the Steeple of Christ Church. Complaint Leing made that Peter Smith, Surveyor at Cove, has refuseā€¢l to take Mr. l\Iayor's and the Justices passes given Ly them to several per- sons, ordered, that Mr. l\Iayor write to Smith to know why he refuses said passes within this City and L~Lerties. --- That the following persons Le paid for repairing tho Militia Arms :- wm.Westennan, £6Os. 7d.; Uichd. Allen, £5 lGs. Bd. ; KcarnR, £1 lOs. Ocl.; Spcrment, £118s. lOd.; Truelock, £2 18s. 10<l.; Ueo. Sloan fur Wat. Allen, £1 18s. 10d. ; Ald. Cramer for Wright, £4 18s. That Ald. Lavit Le paid £15 Gs. 7d., including Lee the glazier's note, hal- lance of his account relating to the building at Bla.ckrock. That the Exchange building be surveyed by Ald. Ab. French, Ald. 1\Ior- ley and 1\Ir. Austin, to employ persons for repairing same. That Thomas, son of Ald. Edwd. Browne, dec., be admitted a freeman, having served his father. That Ald. Ab. French, 1\Iorley, and 1\Ir. Austin do employ proper persons for repairing the Water Engine. That lfr. Croker, Foulks, and J a. Mansell examine 1\lr. Alaster's accounts relating to Skiddy's and llretridge's Hospitals. Present--1\lr. lfayor, two Sheriffs; Aideo. Delahoid, Phillips, Lavit, Broclesby, Bennet, Cramer; lir. Croker, Austen, Fuller (postea), Mr. Foulks, Busteed, Com. Speaker, Ald. 1\lorley, AL. French, Allin. 2G June, 1727. The City having received a Proclamation last Thursday Evening from the Government of the death of his late Maj. Kiug George, with directions


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