Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



11 May, 1727. J\tlr. James Huleatt being elected a Common Council man, was sworn. That John Beecher, Ald., of Bristol, be ad.n1itted a freeman. That Mr. John Bryen be admitted a freeman. That John Hill, having served Mr. J n°. Hill, his father, be admitted a freeman. That the Executors of Mr. Wm. Masters, by Monday sennight, bring unto Mr. Foulks the books; &c., relating to Skiddy's and Bretridge's Hos- pitals. That Ald. Cramer, Mr. Fuller, and Huleatt immediately go to the Lough and view the encroachments in order to have a presentment, and that Nic. White inform the persons trespassing on the same. Present--Mr. ·Mayor, Sheriff Crooke ; Alden. Phillips, Morley, Lavit, Broclesby, Bennett, Cramer; Mr. Foulks, Austin, Fuller, Huleatt (postea), Ald. Ab. French. 24 May, 1727. That Ald. Cramer, Bennett, two Sheriffs, Mr. Austin, Fuller, and Huleatt do state the Chamberlain's accounts, and report. "-- That £12 be expended to celebr~te the King's Birth-day in the Council Chamber. and that Ald. Delahoid, Ab. French, two Sheriffs, and Mr. Austin do order same. That Ald. Lavit bring in an account of what he expended on Blackrock, vouchers, &c. That Matthias, eldest son of Matthias Smith, be admitted a freeman. That Nicholas, eldest son of Nicholas Ford, be admitted a freeman. That the persons who state the Chamberlain's account do also st~te the Waterbailiff's. Present-~ir. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Delahoid, Phillips, Ab. French, Morley, Lavit, Cramer; Mr. Addis, Austin, Fuller, Huleatt. 5 June, 1727. That £2 12s. 4d. be paid Capt. Parker for candles and coals delivered by him to the two companies quartered in town. That Jn. Browne, recommended by ~1rs. Eliz. Newenbam; Richard Rodes,

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