son of John Spread, having served his father, and Thomas Wade, having served Ald. Crone, be admitted freemen. Present-].!r. ].!ayor, Loth Sheriffs; Alden. Delahoide, Phillips, Allen, Morley, Ab. French, Terry, Lavit, Bennett; l\Ir. Addis, Croker, Foulks, Austin, Foucault, Atkins, Rowland, Com. Speaker.
" Cork, March, 1725-6.
"Sir, "In or about the month of April, 1723, the then l\Iayor of this City was favoured with a letter from 1\Ir. Luck Garrlner, relating to tho ground on which the Barracks of this City were lmilt, to know on what terms tho Government should have it; he answered that this City was willing to grant his MajY. the ground ou which the Barracks then stood, with a passage of 30 feet leading to the Barrack gate, and have uot since been favoured with any reply. I must now inform you that there is Lefore the Barracks a large spot of ground, part of our purchase from Lord Homney and Coun- sellor Welsh, which lies waste, and is not only a nuisance to the City but also to the Barracks, by being made a place of dunghills,which the Uity were resolved of late to make advantageous to Loth, but Wf!re prevented by a letter directed by Coli. Parker to our Barrack-master here, a copy of which is enclosed ; so the Government will see that we are more disposed to ac- commodate than prejudice his Maj. forces, by confining or Llocking them up, as is represented; there is enclosed a map, by which it will appear that there is sufficient space between the Barrack and intended enClosure, which is intended for a market, more use to the Barrack than the City. As this is a proper season to proceed in an affair of this nature, I do desire you will acquaint the Government, assuring you that there is nothing in our power but we shall agree to for his Maj. Service. I am, Sir, &c.
"To -
CurrrERBUCK, Esq., "Secretary to the Lord-Lieut."
18 April, 1726.
On reading what was done on 13 inst., relating to the ground before the Barracks, ordered, that there be left 40 feet in front from the Old Barrack gate and a passage of 40 feet m breadth leading to the said Barracks, for
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