Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


On the Common Speaker's petition, ordered, that to support the dignity, the 1\fayor's Sallery be augmented so as to amount to £365. That £7 18s. be paid Mr. Wm. Masters on surrendering the lease formerly pretended to be made to him of the Lough. - That it be a standing Bye-law, that no freeman in partnership with any not free shall free any goods liable to gateage, except such part as is actually the property of such freeman. That John, eldest son of Ald. John Whiting, be admitted a freeman at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Delahoide, Phillips, Ab. French, Terry, Morley, Bennet; Mr. Wilson, Croker, }i'oulkes, Austen, and Rowland, Com. Speaker. 18 Feb., 1725. That Mr. Mayor call such of the Uouncil to his assistance as he thinks proper, to lay the matter relating to the ground before the Barracks before the Government, and to write to the Government about it. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Delahoide, Phillips, Allen, Morley, A.b. French, Terry, Bennett ; Mr. Addis, Austin, Com. Speaker, and Foucault. 25 Feb., 1725. The order of the Court of Deer hundred of 14 inst., relating to the Public houses of ease was read and agreed to, and that Mr. Foulks be joined to the overseers of the work. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Delahoide, Phillips, A.b. French, Morley, Terry, Bennett; Mr. Croker, Foulks, Austin, Atkins, Rowland, Com. Speaker. 7 March, 1725. That the letter relating to the ground before the Barracks be sent to the Government. That the Chamberlain pay 30s. to Councr. Terry, for drawing a ~urrender of the lease of the Lough and ground about it. That Daniel, son of Danl, Gibbs, dec., having served his father; William,

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