Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



French, Morley, Terry, Pierce, Broclesby; 1\fr. Morrison, Croker, Foucault, Atkins, Austin, Com. Speaker, 1\fr. \Vilson.

11 June, 1 i25. Examinations being taken by ~Ir. Mayor of a Yery great insult committed by Ensign Leister, Ensign Brooke, and Sergeant Davidson, of Col. Handa- syde's Regt., on Tuesday night last, on Tho 9 • \Villingtou, Jacob Connor and others, and the Col. refusing to deliver up saill persons, ordm·ed, that 1\fr. Mayor do represent the matter to the government, awl send copies of thu examinations. That the sum of £100 for the Steeple of Christ Church be paid by £10 per month. Present-Mr. 1\fayor, Sheriff Rowland; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Morley, Terry, Lavit; Mr. Wilson, Croker, Austin, Foucault, 1\Iasters, Cramer. 18 Jltne, 1 i25. That the £100 ordered for the Steeple of Christ Church be paid to Mr. \Vilson and Mr. Cramer instead of the overseers. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriff Rowland; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Morley, Lavite, Terry, Pierse; 1\fr. Wilson, Croker, Austin, Atkins, Cramer, Com. Speaker. 22 July, 1725. That £10 be appointed for an entertainment on 1 Aug. next, and that Ald. Ab. French, Morley, and the two Sheriffs provide same. On the Petition of the Merchant Taylors praying a Charter, ordered, that they have same. That £10, including the former £5, be paid James Lemon for his attend- ance on the Blue Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital, to be paid out of the revenu~s of the hospital. That Dan•. Bass, Wool Cardmaker, be made a freeman, having served Mr. Wm. Pembrock, dec. Present-Mr. llayor, both Sheriffs; Alrlen. Phillips, Morley, Terry, Pearse; Mr. Wilson, Morrison, Foulks.

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