Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



10 May, 1725. That John Evans, an ancient servant of the Corporation, be paid 5 pounds, and Thomas Poge, another servant, both quarterly. That the sum of £100 ordered ...... 1\Iay, 1723, for building the steeple of Christ Church, be not paid until the new building before the said church be taken up and remov~d to a convenient place to be approved of by Mr. Mayor and Council. That John Maunsell have liberty to continue his quay on Kearl's quay as far as said Maunsell's new holdings, to run in a line from :Mitchel's corner on a line to Daniel Engain's corner, the line to be drawn by any two memhers of the Council, provided there shall never be any buildings erected on said quay. The several persons following were admitted into the Dlue Doys Hospital : Timothy Lenny, recommended by 1\Ir. 1\-Iayor, .Tames Steede by Mr. 1\fasters, Simon Seward hy Mr. \Vilson, Dennis Cantlon by Mr. Addis, Alex. Guppey by Mr. Croker, Timothy Demeingolle by 1\Ir. Foucault. That Hen. fitz Gerald be admitted a freeman, having served Tho. Millard. That Tho. Hill be admitted do., having served his father, Jo". Hill, clothier. That Simon Peter Cadier be admitted do., having served l\1r. Foucault. That James Price be admitted do. paying £5. That £4 16s. be paiJ Mr. Ambrose Cramer for beer supplied by him to the Army, 23 Oct. and 5 Nov., 1724. Iā€¢resent-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Rowland; Alden, Delahoid, Phillips, A b. }.,rench, l\1orley, Terry ; Mr. .Masters, Croker, Foulks, Wilson, Austin, Cramer, Com. Speaker. 0 14 },fay, 1725. 1\Ir. 1\fayor having informed the Corporation that the nets belonging to some persons who had his license for fishing on this river were taken from them by some orders or directions of Hen. Purdon, Esq., and the Council apprehending that this City has the right to the said river and fishing thereof, it is ordered, that the Recorder be consulted thereon by the Mayor. That Henry Wallis, Esq., be made a freeman, it appearing that he has been very serviceable to this City.

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