GRAXT TO THE XEW CHURCH IX TilE OLD CHURCH YARD OF SHANDON. 451 8 .Ma,.rch, 1724-5. That 17 shillings be paid the late overseers for paving Mill Street by James Foucault, and it shall be allowed him. That the Mayor direct the paving of that part of the street before the Corporation yard.
That Samuel Pike be made a freeman gtatis. That Benjamin Pike be made a freeman [J1'atis.
That £20 be paid, besides the £20 formerly ordered, for defending the judgment of the Council relating to the 'Vcighmaster, to 1\Ir. Edwd. Webber on demand. That the allowance to the 'Viddow Lamblcy be paid quarterly as usual That £100 be paid 1 May, 172i, to the Overseers for building the New Church in the Old Church yard of Shandon, aml £100 he paid 2 1\{ay, 1727, ~ Present-1.Ir. 1.Iayor, two Sheriffs; .Alden. Crone, Delahoid, Ph. French, Ab. French, Morley, Lavit, Teny, Broclesby; Mr. }..lasters, 'Vilson, Croker, Foucauld, Austin, Atkins, :Mr. Com. Speaker. 11 J.lla1·ch, 1724-5. ·'\, to the Overseers for buildingS. Paul's Church on the :Marsh. Whereas the Corporation stands indebted to the Widdow Luther for _,.._ £200 for which they pay interest, which sum was applied towards building Bretridge and Skiddy's Hospital in St.. 1.Iary Shandon Church Yard, and whereas Samuel Lugg, late of Corke, hath bequeathed £100 to the Green Coat Hospital and £100 to the four parishes equally, viz., S. Barry, Christ Church, Peter's Church, and S. Mary Shandon; now that the poor to whom these charities hath been left may not be sufferers, said sums lying dead, ordered, that Mr. Mayor have power to affix the City Seal to one or more bonds for the said sum of £200, and bring to next Council the bond of Mrs. Luther to have it cancelled. That Tho. Bousfield, having served Mr. Hugh Millerd, be admitted a freeman. That Mr. Masters insure Bretridge and Skiddy's Hospitals from fire, having been built at the charge of the Corporation. That Mr. Edward Webber solicit the affair relating to the money ordered by a decree of Chancery for the bene.ti.t of the Blue Coat Hospital, the expenses to be allowed out of the income of said Hospital. 57-2
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