Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



weighing and trying every full cask of butter, one penny. And whereas Edmd. Knapp, Ald., and Edwd. Hoare, Ald., by the same act appointed Weighmasters, that said regulations, &c., might be strictly observed, subject to such regulations. as weighmasters in other cities, and whereas there is a proviso in said act: Provided always, that said E. Knapp and E. Hoare, or their Deputy, may be liable to be removed for mi~behaviour in the execu- tion of said office, &c., by the l\Iayor, &c., with liberty to the weighmaster so removed of appealing to the Justices of Assize, as in other cas~s provicled; and as several complaints were made upon oath before the l\Iayor that said Knapp and Hoare and their Deputy had misbehaved themselves, and ex- aminations being laid before the l\Iayor, Ald., &c., they did issue a smumons under their hands to said Knapp and Hoare, to the eflcct following : By the Mayor, &c., pursuant to a power given us l>y an Act, &c., we smumon you to appear before us at the Guildhall of the said City, &c., tu answer what shall be objected to you fur, &c., that you have appointed weighouses in several places of this City, without the approbation uf the l\fayor, &c., yuu have also appointed several deputy weighmasters for, &c., without returning their names to the l\Iayor, or desiring their approbation, as rectuire<ll>y the act, that you or your deputies lmvc weighed and branded butter casks made of tim- ber contrary to said act, also casks, some empty, others full not tight; that you obliged some persons who have brought their butter to be weighed to have their casks of butter stripped by some cooper of said deputie's appointing, wh? demanded and forced same persons tu vay fees, by which a greater charge was laid upon the trade of this city than was intended, &c., which summons was delivered to said Edmond Kna}JP and Edward Hoare, who appeared 4 Sep. before the l\Iayor, &c., and the several articles being fully proved, said Knapp and Hoare did by their counsel desire further time to make their defence, &c., which 'vas granted, and several witnesses being produced by said Knapp and Hoare in their defence, &c., upon full hearing, &c., the ~Iayor, &c., are of opinion that said Knapp and Hoare, and their Deputy, are guilty of misbehaviour, and it is accordingly adjudged by the Mayor, &c., that they be removed from their office of 'V eighmasters of the City of Corke. In testimony whereof we have put our hands and seals. " Geo. Bennett, Mayor; Sr John Brodrick, Dan I. Crone, Rich. Phillips, A. French, John Morley, John Terry, Joseph Lavit, .Edw. Broclesby, Fra. Rowland, J os. .Austin, Ambr. Cramer."

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