25 Aug., 1724. Ordered, that lfr. 'Vebber's bond for £100 being paid, it be given up. That the answer, dated 25 inst., of the Mayor, &c., to the memorial of Ald. Ec.lw<l. Knapp and Edw<l. Hoare, weighmasters, dated 19 inst., ht~ lhe answer of the Mayor, &c., and that copies be signed by the 1\Iayor, &c., antl delivered to the weighmasters. That Mr. Mayor Elect, Ald. Crone and Delahoid take a place for a Bridewell not exceec.ling £12 pe1• (tnnwm, until a new Bridewell be built. Present--Mr. Mayor, 1\Ir. Sheriff Cramer; Alden. Crone, Delahoid, Phillips, French, 1\Iorley, T~ Lavit ; 1\{r. 1\{asters, Wilson, Croker, Austin, Atkins, Common Speaker (postea), Aiel. Browne anc.l Hoaro. 31 Aug., 1724. That Mr. Webber be appointed City Agent, for which the City will havo regard for his trouble. That the summons this day reac.l relating to the misbehaviour of the Weighmasters be served on them in their office, and that the Mayor issuo summons to the persons who pretend to act as Deputy 'Veighmastcrs and such others as think proper to attend on the day appointcc.l for hearing the W eighmasters. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, Sheriff Cramer; Aluen. Crone, Delahoid, Browne, Terry ; Mr. Masters, Wilson, Addis, Croker, Austin. 14 Sep., 1724. That the heads of the Dublin petition relating to Wood's copper half pence, and this day produced in Council, be sent to Mr. Recorder, to draw a . petition for this City against said half pence, the Mayor to send a letter to the Recorder. That Mr. Cramer, Austin, .and Webber attend Mr. Recorder and have his directions about 1\Ir. Hanis's legacy for a Mathematical Lecturer, and that 1\fr. Webber, as City Agent, be paid £5 for the use of the Corporation. That £10 be paid for repairing the house taken for the Brid~w~ll, the materials to be taken away by the Corporation. Present- Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs ; Alden. French, Terry, Morley, Lavit; Mr. Wilson, Masters, Austin, Croker, Atkins (postea), Ald. Browne. 56-~
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