Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Morley, Terry, Lavit; Mr. Morrison, Croker, Austin (postea), Mr. Wilson, Ald. Ab. French. 27 July, 1724. That the New Bridewell be built on the grou.nd.~mentioned 1n the order of the 24th, and that same be built according to the draft, and Ald. Ab. French, Morley, and Mr. Morrison be overseers. That Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs enquire into the breaches of the act relating to the Weigh Masters. That £6 18s. 5d. be paid Mr. John Sullivan for his bill of costs in the case of the Corporation against Ald. Browne and others. -\-- That an entertainment be provided on the 1 Aug., being the King's \.. accession, not to exceed 12 pounds. On the petition of Mr. James Browne, ordered, that Ald. French, Phillips, Mr. S. Croker,_Mr. Mayor Elect view the ground on which Browne is build- ing, and report how far he may go to the river, and what he ought to pay the Corporation for same. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Sheriff Cran1er; Alden. Crone, Ph. Fre~ch, Ab. French, Ph~ps, Terry, Morley ; Mr. Masters, Morrison, ·Croker, Austi?-.

7 Aug., 1724.


That Charles·Sweeny be admitted into the Blue Coat Hospital, recom- mended by Ald. Ab. French. Whereas John Healy, Waterbailiff; as by order 12 Nov. last, having neglected to pay monthly, &c., and delivered up his oar to Mr. Mayor, and thereby surrendered his offic~, ordered; that he ·be removed and Mr. Rice Waite be appointed till a Waterbailiff be appointed by the Court of Deer 'hundred, and said Waite take into his custody the coal and salt barrels, the person elected to pay monthly what he receives. That the Recorder and other Council be consulted the beginning of next assizes by the ~fayor, Ald. Ph. French, Mr. Cramer, and Atkins to know what methods are to be taken to prevent Ald. Hawkins from carrying away the fresh water from the ancient Water Course of the South Channel. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriff Cramer; Alden. Crone, Ab. French, Morley, Terry, Lavite; Mr. Masters, Wilson, Croker, Austen, Atkins.

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