That £5 for a year be paid John Evans, a decayed officer of the Corpo- ration. That Ald. Lavit's charges for repairing the Castle of Blackrock be referred to Ald. Phillips and l\Iorley. Present-Mr: l\fayor, two Sheriffs ; Alden. Crone, Delahoill, Phillips, Morley, Lavit; Mr. Masters, Croker, Austin, Atkins, Com. Speaker (Postea), Ald. Terry. 14 Aug., 1724. That notice be given the "\Veighmasters 'of this City that their Deputies are not duly appointed, and not to proceed in the manner they have done untill appointed by due course of law, and that the l\Inyor sign the order. Present-1\fr. 1\fayor, l\Ir. Hecorder, Sheriff Cramer; Alden. Crone, lJela- hoid, Hoare, Phillips, Morley, Terry, A.b. }"'rench; Mr. 1\fasters, Wilson, 1\for- rison, Austin, Atkins. 1 June, 1724. That James Right be admitted a Blue Boy, recommended by Ald. Allen at the request of the 1\Iayor. That Mr. Saml. "\Voodrufe cause the street before Mr. Pike's door without North Gate to be paved. That Mr. Cramer's account relating to the Weighmasters, &c., be inspected by Ald. Perdrian, l\fr. Croker, }"'oucault, .Austin, and Atkins, and report. That the Bridewell ground be set by fee farm lease to the highest bidder by public cant on Friday sevennight, and possession given a month after said cant. Present-1\fr. Mayor; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Perdrian, Morley, Teny, Lavit, Sheriff Cramer; Mr. Wilson, Masters, Croker, Foucault, Austin, Atkins, Com. Speaker. 9 Ju1te, 1724. Ald. Perdrian, Mr. Croker, Foucault, Austen, and Atkins having inspected Sheriff Cramer's accounts relating to the Act appointing W eighmasters, find a ballance of .£1188. 6d. in Cramer's hands; ordered, that the repmt be received.
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