lower, and made wider and put in repair, it being now in very bad con- dition, the filth breaking through, so that the neighbouring inhabitants can hardly live in their houses.'' Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Morley, Terry, Hawkins, Com. Speaker; Mr. Brocklesby and Foucault. 26 April, 1728. That a bill for £7 5s. for the news, drawn upon Ald. Lavit, be paid if it be not already paid. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriff Bennet; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Morley, Terry, Lavit; Mr. Masters, Addis, Croker, Brocklesby, Foucault. 8 May, 1723. That Mr. Sheriff Bennett agree with a proper person for taking down, mending, and putting up the Exchange Bell. That £23 be paid in 14 months for finishing the Church and Pulpit of S. Nicholas. That 50s. due Mr. Somerville for visiting the North Gaol be paid. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Allin, Morley, Terry, Lavit; Mr. Masters, Croker and Foucault. 13 May, 1723. That the two Sheriffs, Ald. Terry, Com. Speaker, Mr. Croker, Brocklesby and Foucault survey the ground between the Barracks and Fort, and report. That the two Sheriffs, Mr. Croker and Foucault demand possession of the lands, &c. in Fair-lane, which Mr. Jonas Devonshire holds under the Corpo- ration, and the profits of said premises since the lease determined. Tpat £10 be paid for removing the Mayor's Gallery to the West-end of S. Peter's Church. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Morley, Terry; Mr. Masters, Wilson, Croker, Brocklesby, Com. Speaker, Foucault. 24 May, 1723. That John Evans, late Serjeant, be paid £5 for one year. That the word "certain" be struck out of the order of 4 April last con-
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