Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Mr. Hugh Dickson proposeth for security or the principal and interest of the .£300 devised by }.fr. Abraham Dickson to the Blue Boys Hospital Present-Mr. }.Iayor, both Sheriffs; AlJen. Crone, Phillips, }.!orley, Terry; Mr. Masters, Croker, Foulks, 'Vilson, Brocklesby, Com. Speaker (postea), Ald. Lavit. 9 April, 1723. Whereas, Mr. liayor received a letter signed Luke Gardiner, from the Barrack Office, Dublin, dated 6 April inst., in the worJs following : "s· Ir, " Several gentlemen have offereJ proposals to their Excellencies the Lords Justices and Overseers of the Barracks for liberty to contract to build Barracks on their estates, offering to give the ground to his MajY. for ever, and to contribute towards buililing the Barracks, and before the Government would give answer to those proposals, they are desirous to know what terms they are to be on with the several persons upon whose ground the Barracks are now built, and for which there has not been any conveyance, lease, or contract made. Their Excellencies the Lords Justices have therefore ordered me to write to the sever-al proprietors of the ground on which Barracks are built as aforesaid, to know whether they expect any acknowledgement, and how much, for said ground, and what title they can make to the same to his l\Iaj:r. of the ground on which the Barracks of Corke are built belonging to you, not being yet made over to His Maj:r. by lease or otherwise, as aforesaid. Therefore beg you will please to send your proposals to me immediately, in order to be laid before their Excellencies the Lords Justices." Ordered, that the following answer should be wrote by Mr. Mayor : us· J.r, "I received your letter and immediately called an assembly of the Council, who did unanimously consent to grant in fee to His Majesty the ground whereon the Barracks are now built, for the use of Barracks, to- gether with a passage of thirty feet leading to the Barrack g~te, the Corpo- ration having the fee simple thereof by purchase from the Lord Pt.Omney, and do desire that the common shoar from the Barracks to the river be sunk 54-2

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