where the mannor of Faha lies, in whose possession, and by what title same r is held, and report ; that they have liberty to write for the Down Survey ) ; and the expense paid out of the £100 allowed for contingent expenses; also in whose possession a"nd by what title the ground, where the Old Pound 'y., and -~~-~ouse, near the Blue Coat Hospital was, is now held. ) That the 'Vaterbailiff's accounts be inspected next Monday by 1\.lr. l.fayor, Ald. ~Iorley and as many of the Council as may attend. Present-Mr. Mayor; Aidm. Phillips, Morley, Terry, Hawkins, both Sheriffs; Mr. Addis, Masters, Morrison, Croker, Brocklesby, Com. Speaker, Mr. Foulks. 4 .April, 1723. _)( That Casper Nuckles, mercht., be admitted free paying £5. That Robt. Hoare's bill of law: charges. transmitting prisoners to Dublin, and getting Galavan's pardon, amounting to £24 8s., be paid. That £3117s. 6!d. be paid to John Flemming for 33 salt and coal barrels iron bound, and two Bushels for the use of the Corporation, to be paid by the W aterbailiff and allowed him in his account. That £136 be allowed Mr. James Browne for disbursements at the Blue Coat Hospital, out of the past vacancies, and if any deficiencies, then to be allowed out of the next ensueing vacancies, not exceeding ·six boys at a time. That Ald. Terry's account for £6 ls. ld. for powder, &c., be paid him. That 24s. be paid Mr. Francis Rogers for the passage of several soldiers over Passage to Cove for attending the quarantine. That £7 3s. 9d. be paid Mr. Foulks for Silver Boxes, &c., for the Corpo- ration. That the arrears at the rate of 26s. per quarter be paid Mr. Lavers, and same be continued. Complaint has been made that several freemen gave their notes to pass butter and other goods custom free, where really such butter, &c., were not bought, or any certain price agreed for, Ordered, that where the custom-man suspects such notes that he may stop such goods until oath be made that such goods were bought by the persons passing such notes. That Mr. Sheriff Atkins, Croker, and Foulks take such instrument as
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