Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



20 Feb., 1722. That a Plot of ground on the East Marsh at the North part of the Corpo- ration-yard, containing from East to West 86 feet, and from North to South 80 feet, for the building a church and for a churchyard, be granted to tho Right Revd. Peter, Lord Bishop of Corke and Rosse, and his successors for ever, with liberty of a passage from the street leading to the Custom Houso to said Church and Churchyard of 18 feet in breadth, and that the sum of £100 mentioned in the order of the 6th. inst. be applied towards forwarding said church. That the plot of ground, part of the Corporation-yard, of forty feet in length and eighteen in breadth in the clear, bounding on the East with tho passage to the Church intended to be built on part of the Corporation- yard, and on the West with l!r. John Hawkins' holdings, and on the South with a plot of ground, part of the Corporation-yard, to be built for the use of a Public School, and that the sum of £200 be paid by the Corporation towards building said School. Whereas, on the 4 inst. the sum of £200 was ordered towards building a School, and on the 6 inst. £100 towards building a Church, and the Council on further consideration have thought fit to make provision for said Church and School, ordered, that all further orders relating to said Church and School be set aside. That Mr. Henry Osborn, having eerved Mr. Augustus Carre, be admitted a freeman upon the certificate of a Notary Pub~c that he took the oath of a freeman. That £24 8s. 4d. he paid Ald. Lavit, to be paid over by him to several persons, viz., Constables, WatcheR, and the charges thereto belonging. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Phillips, Browne, Terry, Lavite, Hawkins, Com. Speaker, Mr. Wilson, Foulks, Croker. • 13 March, 1722. That whenever a vacancy occurs in the Blue Coat Hospital, the master give notice to the Mayor, and if for the future the Master take any person in without the approbation of the Council first had, that he do it at his own expense. That Ald. Terry, Sheriff Bennett, Com. Speaker, and 1\fr. lforrison enquire 54



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