Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



The two Assizes, the four Sessions, the 5 Nov., the King's Coronation, the 29 Sep., and the King's birth day. That the Mayor, the two Sheriffs, and Mr. Common Speaker inspect the late incroachments made by Mr. Harrison in the little river near Coverts old hquse, contrary to an order of 27 May, 1720, whereby said Harrison is to have three feet of ground to be carried in a line from Ald. Perdrian's wall, and in case Harrison has encroached to l'emove same. That £90 be paid Sheriff Owgan, part of £225 12s. ordered by Court of Deer hundred 5 Feb., 1721. Present--Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs, Com. Speaker; Mr. Masters, }..,oulks, and Brocklesby. 8 July, 1722. That the Right Ron. Lord Shannon, one of the Lords Justices of Ireland, be presented with his freedom in a gold box at the public expence of this City, to be delivered him at his entrance into the Liberties by the Sheriffs. That an entertainment be provided for him at the Council Chamber, and ( his attendance, and such other gentlemen as it is proper to invite, directions to be given for preparing same by Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs, Mr. Saml. Croker, Mr. James Foucault, and Mr. Edwd. Brocklesby. \ That an invitation be made to his Lordship to lodge in town at the City charge. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs, Com. Speaker; Alden. Knapp, Mr· Masters, Foucault, Brocklesby, and Croker. 31 July, 1722. ..J To-morrow being the King's accession, that an entertainment be provided, l'that Mr. Mayor, the two Sheriffs, and Mr. Foucault do provide same. That Mr. Foucault be paid £1•1 6s. for a Gold box presented to Lord Shannon with his freedom. That Mr. Browne, Master of the Blue Boys, and Mr. Wilson, late Chamberlain, attend next Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs ; Aidan. Knapp, Mr. Masters, Croker, Brocklesby, and Foucault. I 1 .Aug., 1722. That the common shore now making by John Gaggin be continued from r

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