8 May, 1722. William Hawkins, Esq., :Mayor.
Whereas several members have been summoned to appear in Council and refuse to come, ordered, that to prevent any objections which might arise by so small a number, any resolutions of this present Council be referred to the consideration of the Court of Deer hundred to .be held for this City. Whereas by a Bye Law made 1 Feb., 1721, it is ordered, that the Dooks, deeds, leases, &c., should be kept in the custouy of the }tfayor, SheriJl's, and Com. Speaker for the time being, aud in regard the several persons who now have the custouy of the keys of the chest wherein said deeds, &c., are kept refuse to open said chest, ordered, that said chest be opened at the discretion of the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Com. Speaker, and that the books, &c., remain in their keeping according to a Bye Law made in the Court of Deer hundred. That -the Mayor, &c., give such directions for keeping the streets clean as they shall think proper. That the Hon. Lord Kilmain, the Hon. Joshua Allen, and the H on. Thos. Marley be presented with their freedoms in silver boxes. That lOOU. be taken up to answer present necessary expenses. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs, Mr. Com. Speaker, Mr. Masters, Brocklesby, Foulks. (.Autographs at the foot of tlte above O'rders)-Wm. Hawkins, Mayor, Will. Owgan, Aug. Carre, Sam. Croker, Com. Speaker, ,V. Masters, Ed wd. Broclesby, Jams. Foucault. 4 June, 1722. That John Parks be made a freeman according to the Act. That Henry Purdon, Esq., and Joseph Slatery be admitted freemen at large. · That the several sums following be paid by the Chamberlain. The Recorder £13, half a year's sallary; Widdow Goble £6, a year's interest; Mr. Foulks £4 12s., for four silver boxes ; Rev. Mr. Somerville £7 lOs., for his and Mr. Fryar's. attending for a year and a half the prisoners in gaol. That the several days following be kept for the future as public days, and that the Entertainments on those days be at Mr. Mayor's expence, viz., 53
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