Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



enlarging the street, which when done the Corporation will let said Harrison have as much out of the river backward of said premises, which is to be staked out clear of the eye of the bridge, to be carried in a line toward Ald. Perdrian's wall or slip in such manner as Alden. Chartres, Delahoid, Crone, A b. French, Phillips, Morley, and the two Sheriffs shall agree to. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Delahoiu, Phillips, Ab. French, Morley; Mr. Masters, Austin, Lavit, Wilson. 4 July, 1720. The members of the Council to whose lot it fell to go into the Council Chamber to elect a Mayor for ensueing year, not agreeing yesterday, the Uouncil met this day and the majority fell on Mr. Joseph Lavit, Mr. Sher. Mansell and Mr. Willm. Hawkins to be put in election for the ensucing year. Present--Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs; Alden. Chartres, Crone, Rogers, Phillips, Delahoid, Perdrian, Ph. French, Ab. French, La.mbley, Morley; Mr. Masters, Lavit, Wilson. 26 A U[J., 1720. That the underwritten be sent by two of tho members of tho Council to the Grand Jury of this County- " 26 Aug. 1720. I( GENTLEMEN, " The Corporation are always desirous to preserve the best under- standing with the County, and are therefore willing to keep the roof and windows of the County Court House in good repair for the future, unless before the last day of the next assizes the Corporation shall be able to make it appear that by a former ~rrreement between the County and City the Corporation was discharged from any further charge or expense on account . of the said Court House. But if the City subject themselves to this expense, they think it reasonable, that the care of the Courthouse should, between the assizes, be left to some person employed by them." That Mr. Robt. Hoare's bill of law charges be referred to Alden. Delahoid and Ab. French, and that Mr. Webber attend them, meantime the Chamber- lain is to pay Mr. Hoare 20li. or 30li. if he thinks fit towards his bill, and what Alden. Delahoid and French shall certify.

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