Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

A NEW HElm :\[.\UKET TO BE BUILT. 411 Hoare, Delahoid, Browne, Phillips, Ab. French, 1\{orley ; Mr. Masters, Wilson, Lavit. 22 ltla;·ch, 1719. That 53li. 2s. 7~d. be Mr. Robt. Hoare, law expenses in the suit betweea the Mayor and Commons and l\Ioses Deane. That the Herb 1\Iarket be removed, and that 1\Ir. Samt. 'Voodrufe provide lime and stone'i for building another at the further part of the quay. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; l\Ir. Recorder; Alden. Crone, ChartreR, Knapp, Francklyn, Delahoid, Phillips, Ab. }"rench, Browne, 1\Iorley ; Mr. Masters, Wilson, Morrison, Addis. 26 Ap1·il, 1720. That 30s. be paid JJieut. Craven for his attendance on the 1\Iilitia. That the persons following be admitted into S. Stephen's or the Blue Boys' Hospital. George HaiTis, grandson of Doctor Harris, recommended by Ald. Chartres. Wm. Morris by Ald. Dring, Wm. Dyer by Ald. Knapp, HenY. Handolph by Ald. Delahoid. That Timothy Car~?y:, ats...9a!ter, pretending to be an orphan, he turned out of said Hospital without the Charity or Blue Clothes, his father bciug alive and a taylor in this City. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, both Sheriffs; Altlen. Crone, Chartres, Dring, Francklyn, Phillips, Delahoid, Lambley, Browne, Ab. French, Morley; Mr. J os. Austin, Masters, Lavit, Wilson.

2 ltl ay, 1720. That Mr. Barthol Britton be admitted a freeman.

That a Gallery for the Mayor, &c., be built in Christ Church according to the Model, as Ald. Ab. French, Mr. J. Morrison, Alden. Delahoid, and the Sherriff's shall appoint. That Timothy Carthy be continued in the Hospital That John Appleton, recommended by Ald. Rogers, and Edwd. Evans, by Ald. Phillips, be admitted to S. Stephen's Hospital. That the following be signed by the 1\fayor and two Sheriffs and sent to the Gentn. of the County as their answer about the County Court. [;2-2

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