That Robt. Atkins, Jun., be admitted a freeman, being the eldest son and marrying the widdow of Mr. Nath 1• Harvey, and that the notes given him for tl1e gateage be restored to him. That John, son of John Healy, and Phillip Bagwell be admitted freemen. That Alden. Phil. French and Lambley, with the Mayor and Sheriffs, be overseers of S. Stephen,s Hospital for ensueing year. On.the petition of Richard Rogers, Apothecary, ordered, that Alden. Hoare and Morley view the ground near Dunscombe's Marsh, which Rogers desires to take in as a quay, and report. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Sheriff Fuller; Alden. Chartres, Francklyn, Phillips, Delahoid, Lambley, Morley; Mr. Masters, Wilson, Austin, Com. Speaker. 4 Jan., 1719. Mr. Danl. Engain to be admitted free on the statute during residence. That John W oodrufe be appointed W aterbailiff of this City and river, that he account with the Corporation for the profits, who will reward him for his trouble. That John Fleming be restored to his employment to take care of the . weights and measures as formerly. That Mr. Sam I. W oodrufe remove the bulks near the Cornmarket and towards Tuckey's quay, also the place built by the Corkcutter on said quay, and the stall lately set up by . . . . Carlton near the Flesh Shambles, being injurious to the public, by streightning the several streets where the same are, that Mr. Woodrnfe receive a summons every Council day and inform the Corporation of all enc:roachments, &c. That the Cutlers be paid 8 pence a piece for the bayonets they made for the .Militia. That 46 shillings be paid Mr. Hugh Clements for his trolJ.ble in soliciting the Government for the Militia arms. That Alden. Francklyn, Delahoid, Sheriffs, and Com. Speaker do settle the Chamberlain's accounts. That William Tucker be admitted a Blue Boy, recommended by Ald. Crone. William Johnson do. do. by Ald. Hoare. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs ; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Francklyn,
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