Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

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17 Sep., 1719. That Al<.J.en. Chartres, Delahoid, Phillips, Ab. French, Mr. Masters do inquire into Skiddy's and Bretridge's Hospitals and the Old Hospital ground, and in whom the title of the ground is. That 100li. be paid Mr. Masters for the New Hospital work, and that Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs take up the same at interest and fix the Common Seal /for security. ';;.' That Mr. Mayor Elect have 205li. for his sallery ensueing year. That where a freen1an takes on hi1n to free the gateage of goods where he has no right, that a bill be filed against him to [declare] whose the real property is. That 40li. be allowed Mr. Wilson paid by him to Mr. R. Hoare, attorney, for Corporation expenses. That 8li. be paid Mr. Sheriff Austin for lodging Brigadier Crofts at the embarkation of the troops in August last.. That 6 guineas each be paid to Mr. Craven and Mr. Lamb for their late services as Adjutants to the City Militia. That the several persons following be admitted freemen. Lord Carbery, Sir Richard Mead, Col. Geo. Bates, James Webb (served Ald. Crone), John Dixon, gent., Robt. Orpen (served Mr. Mayor), John Skeys, Geo. Orpen (served Tho. Browne). That 15li. 14s. 3d. be paid Ald. Perdrian for a hogshead of wine bought by him for the Corporation. That the Bridewell ground with the ground of the Corporation yard be set by cant for 999 years on 3 Monday in Oct. next. That 8li. be paid the Widdow Deeble for looking after the clocks for two years. That Mr. Wilson speak to Mr. Hugh Dickson for the money left by Mr. A Lra.. Dickson, dec. That Mr. James Browne, Master of the Blue Boys' Hospital, give a book of all his accounts from the beginning relating to said Hospital. That 7li. 10s. be paid Mr. Mayor for several law expenses. Present--Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs, Mr. Mayor Elect, Mr. Recorder; AldeD. Crone, Chartres, Phillips, Francklyn, Allen, Lambley, Ab. French·; Mr. Masters, Wilson.

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