Market according to a draft to be made, and that Mr. Mayor, Ald. Chartres and French be overseers. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs ; Alc.len. Chartres, Crone, Hoare, Phillips, Browne, Ab. French; lfr. T. Walker, 'Vilson, Masters, Smith, Hawkins, Com. Speaker. 10 Nov., 1718. That 16li. 9s. 2d. be paid Mr. Mayor for the last entertainment on the King's Coronation day. That 7li. 4s. 3d. be paid for three years' news ending 29 Sep. last. That the Mayor do put the seal to 1\Ir. Callaghan's lease of Drumcummcr, Mr. Webber first perusing it. That John Kift. be admitted free paying 20s. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs ; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Dring, Knapp, Francklyn, Lambley, French; Mr. Walker, ~!asters, Wilson, Smith. 22 Dec., 1718. That the second Monday in January next be appointed·for auditing the Corporation accounts, and that Alden. Chartres, Hoare; Delahoid, Browne, Lambley, French, and the two Sheriffs andit the same and report. That Mr. Mayor do write to some friend in London for th~ King's picture. That seven lamps more be set up in the following places-- That lfr. George Fuller be admitted a freeman. That the Government lodging be removed from Mr. Weight's to Ald. Lamb ley's. That a new Charter be made out for the Whitawers, and to lodge what papers they have with 1\fr. 'Yebber. Present-Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs ; Alden. Chartres, Dring, Whiteing, Delahoid, Hoare, Allin, Browne, Phillips, French, Lambley; Mr. Masters, Wilson. 2 Feb., 1718. Whereas it was ordered 3 Nov. that Mr. J os. Pike have liberty to make the slip and quay at the West end of his :Marsh, provided, &c., and whereas J os. Pike this day petitioned the Council, setting forth that he did not apply for such an order, ordered, that it Le revoked. 51-2
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