Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Present-Abra. French, Mayor; Sher. Cottrell; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Whiteing, Knapp, Delahoide, Hoare, Phillips, French, Lambley; Mr. T. Browne, Com. Speaker, }.!asters, and Wilson. 16 June, 1718. That whatever money was stopt from Ald. Symon Dring on account of disbursements by him when Mayor be examined into by the Chamberlain. That the Corporati()n take into their hands to pay their debts the 300li. left by }.fr. Abraham Dickson to the blue coat Hospital, also the 200li. now in the hands of Mr. James Browne, in all500li., for securing the principal and interest thereof they will make over for the use of the Blue Coat Hospital the fee farm ground set to Mr. Richd. Harrison at 32l·i. per annum, reserving only 208. a year to be paid the Corporation. That Mr. Wm. Masters take up 200li., by 100li. at a time, at interest, towards building an Hospital in the back part of the Church Yard of S. Mary, Shandon, for the entertainment of the poor men to be removed from Skiddy's and Bretridge's hospitals. That l7li. 38. 10d. be paid ~Ir. Mayor, expended by him in a treat on the King's birth day. (Note on margin)-'Twas paid to lir. Lyne and not to the Mayor. That Alden. Perdrian, Allen, and Browne be governors of S. Stephen's Hospital for ensueing year. That Cuppage Hillary be admitted free paying 5li. That 10li. a year be added to the Chamberlain's Sallery. Present-Mr. Mayor, lfr. Sher. Cottrell; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Whiteing, Knapp, Delahoiu, Phillips, Perdrian, Browne, Lambley; Mr. T. Browne, Com. Speaker, Wm. llasters, S. Wilson. 3 July, 1718. That if Mr. Tho. Browne, now Com. Speaker, put any one upon the Election of Com. Speaker that has not served the City in the office of Sheriff: that Mr. Mayor shall go on with the election of choosing a Com. Speaker of those two that shall be nominated by Mr. Mayor and the Sheriffs. Present--lfr. Mayor, Mr. Sher. Cottrell; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Dela- hoid, Allin, Phillips, Perdrian, French, Lambley; Mr. T. Browne, Com. Speaker, S. Wilson.

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