That the lease of part of the Old Exchange set to Mr. John Sullivan, the lease set to Mr. Timothy Murphy, and the lease set to Mrs. Andrews of part of the same be delivered up to Mr. Richd. Harrison, who has a lease of the whole. That the quay be continued from the cross wall by Mr. Moses Deane's lane to the further end of Mr. Tho. Hargrave's holding, and a cross wall to be built at the end of Mr. Hargrave's holding next to Mr. Hamon's, and the town Wails to be taken down as far as the quay is to be continued, and a wall of 18 inches to be built on the inmost part of the town Wall that is to be taken down. That the Chamberlain pay Mr. Mansfield 5li. 13s. for the clock case now standing in the Council Chamber. That Joseph Ilate be admitted a Blue Boy, recommended by Mr. Wm. Masters in Ald. Phillips' turn. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Sher. Hawkins ; Alden. Crone, Perdrian, Phillips, Browne, Lambley ; Mr. T. Browne, Com. Speaker, Walker, Smith, Masters, Morrison, Wilson. 20 May, 1718. That the piece of ground formerly set to Mr. J as. Morrison be taken off his hands and canted on Friday 30 inst. That the piece of ground whereon Cork Castle stands, and the rest of the ground from thence to Councellor Busteed's house and the Castle, be set up to public cant, and in order thereto that it be ~measured and divided into two lots, and a passage left through the said ground in straight line with the present street. That a cold treat, with wine, &c., be got in the Council Chamber with music to celebrate the King's birth day, the 28 inst. That 12li. 5s. 9!d. be paid Mr. John Dennis, due to him for timber for the Mayor's Gallery in St. Peter's Church. That the street be paved from Northgate to Southgate, pavers and labourers to be paid by the day, Mr. Saml. Woodrufe to employ proper persons to see the work done, and that the two bridges be also paved. That Richard More, Cloathier, be admitted free, paying 5 pounds. That Mr. Thos. Fuller be admitted free, if he has malTied a .freeman's daughter as alledged.
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