sufficient fund whereby a greater number of poor may be maintained than the present revenue of these Hospitals provides for. 27 Jan., 1717. Signed, by order, Ed.w. Webber, Cl. Com. That Ald. Knapp, Francklyn, Browne, and Mr. W. Masters be appointed to view the ground for building Bretridge's and Skiddie's Hospitals, and make a report. That the piece of ground at the South end of the New Corn Market be set up to public cant on Tuesday, 18 inst., the ground to be· measured, and a draft made. That the Old Meal Market be made a Meat shambles, Mr. Mayor, Ald. Chartres, and Mr. Smith to be overseers. That Wm. Maynard, Esq., the Collector, be admitted free. That Mr. Robt. Henderso.ll be admitted free during residence, paying 5 pounds. That Mr. Marten for the gateage, and Cornel Donovan for market dues, account before Ald. Chartres and Francklyn. Present-Mr. Mayor, Wm. Hawkins and C. Cottrell, Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Knapp, Rogers, Francklyn, Phillips, Browne, Lambley; Mr. Mas- ters, WilsonJ Smith,. Browne,. Com. Speaker. 14 Feb., 1717. That Mr. Webber write to Mr. Rob. Hoare for copies of the pleadings, and to know the issues of the several causes against Mr. Hamon and Mr. Halinan, and to retain Mr. Sol.-Genl., Mr. Bernard, and Mr. Callaghane. That Skiddy's and Bretridge's Hospitals be built according to the model signed by Mr. Mayor, and that Ald. Knapp, Mr. Wm. Masters, and Mr. Baldwin agree to build the Piazza work of the Model at their own expense. That Mr. Mayor for the time being, Alden. Knapp, Francklyn, Delahoide, Mr. Masters, and Maul be overseers of the building of said hospitals. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Sher. Hawkins and Cottrell, Alde 11 • Crone, Knapp, Francklyn, Delahoide, Hoare, Browne~ Phillips, Perdrian, Lambley; Mr. Masters, and S. Wilson. 3 March, 1717. ~at Isaac, son of Isaac Obien, be admitted one of the Blue Boys on the recommendation of Ald. Daniel Perdrian.
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