Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That Mr. "\Vebber draw up some instructions for Mr. Rob. Iloare, in tho suit against Mr. Hamon. That Mr. "\Voodrufe take care to sec the streets paved, the Chamberlain to pay from time to time. That Alden. Chartres, Whiteing and Francklyn view the premises which Mr. Rich d. Tayler holds of the Corporation ncar J emmet's Bridge, tmu report what the same are. That Mr. John Parks be admitted free paying 5 pounds. That Mr. Wra. Honnors, who married Mr. :Mayor's daughter, be admittcll a freeman. Present-Wm. Lambley, Esq., ~fayor; 1tfr. Abra. French, 1\fayor Elect; two Sheriffs; Alden. Chartres, "\Vhiting, Delahoydc, F1·aucklyn, NuL. Hugcrs, rhillips; Mr. Walker, Masters, Wilson, Smith. 7 Oct., 1717. That Darby, Capt. Bretridgc's old servant in the Alms-house, go with Mr. Sam I. Woodrufe and the Surveyor to show tho bounds of Drum- cummer. That the same persons that are to inspect the Chamberlain's accounts also inspect lfr. Master's accounts of the Alms-house. That the sum of 48Zi. 13s. Sd., so much expended by Ald. Lamulcy on several public days, and other things, be allowed in his account. That Ald. Perdrian take pdssession of the Castle of Blackrock, and the land thereto belonging, in trust for the Corporation, at 6 pence per annum. That Mr. Mayor do send such quarterly tradesmen as are refractory and refuse to pay their quarterage to gaol until they pay same. That Mr. ~fayor do provide a dinner to celebrate the King's Coronation- day, the 20 inst., with other things, and the Corporation will pay the same. That ~fr. Robt. Hoare's bill of 21li. 11s. 6d. for several suites relating to the Corporation be paid. Present-Ab. French, Esq., Mayor; Wm. Hawkins and Charles Cottrell, Sheriffs; Alden. Crone, Whiteing, Francklyn, Delahoide, Phillips, Perdrian, Allen; ~fr. T. "\Valker, 1\fasters, Wilson, Morrison, Smith, Browne, Com. Speaker. 50

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