Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

EDWARD HORT DEPUTY SWORD-BEARER. 391 That 9U. 15s. 7d. be paid Ald. French and Mr. John Morley, which, with 2li. 48. 5d. paid by them out of 24li. I5s. 4d. that the Corporation allowed them before, is in full for the Carner's note for the 1\fayor's Gallery in St. Peter's Church. Present-Wm. Lambley, Esq., Mayor; 1\fr. T. Browne, Mr. Theo. Van- sevenhoven, Sheriffs ; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Whiteing, Delahoid, Phillips, Browne; Mr. Morley, Com. Speaker, Masters, Wilson, French, Morrison, Smith. 22 May, 1717. Mr. Webber to inform Mr. Hoare what he can relating to petty duties. and Mr. Hoare to advise with Mr. Recorder how to proceed. That Mr. Meaghe do defend the Corporation in the suite of Crow. That Mr. Francis Broome be admitted free, having shown his indentures to the Mayor. Present-Wm. Lambley, Esq., 1\fayor; Mr. Vansevenhoven, Sheriff; AlJcn. Crone, Delahoide, Francklyn, Nob. Rogers, Phillips, Perdrian, Browne; Mr. Masters, Wilson, French, Morrison, Smith, Morley, Com. Speaker. 3 June, 1717. That the counterpart of .Ald. Wm. Robert's lease for Kyrle's quay Le delivered out of the Chest, to Mr. Ed. Webber, in order to proceed against Mr. John Hamon, for the encroachments on said quay. That Mr. Mayor write to Mr. Robt. Hoare that he and some other may be special bail for Mr. Woodrufe at the Attorney-General's suite at the prosecution of John Hamon. That the Chamberlain enquire what the several interests and leases are of the several holdings in the Old Exchange, and report. That Edward Hort, deputy Sword-bearer, have the perquisites of said office during the time he officiates, the Sword-bearer to have the Sallary. That Cupage Hilary, a quaker, be admitted free paying 10 pounds, to continue during his life only or his residence. That Brigadr.-Gen. Stern be made a freeman on taking the usual oaths. That Benjn. Patch be sworn free, having served his father. That Symon Curton be sworn free, having served Ald. Love. That John, eldest son of Joshua Broome, an ancient freeman, be sworn free.

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