Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Present-Mr. Mayor, Shers. Sheares and Browne; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Whiteing, Knapp, Delahoide, Francklyn, Phillips, Hoare, French; Mr. Walker, .:WUson, Masters, French, Morrison, Morley, Com. Speaker. 26 April, 1717. A debate arising, how a Sheriff should be chosen, on the occasion of Mr. Tho. Sheares' death, ordered, that the power of nameing two persons to be in election in such case shall be in the Mayor and Common Speaker. That Mr. Edward Webber have liberty to enlarge the Town Clerk's Office by taking down a proper part of the wall and makeing a window, and that Mr. W oodrufe do oversee same. The undermentioned persons were for having the above election for Sheriff to be nominated by the Council and chosen by the Commons : Alden. Crone, Knapp, Francklyn, Perdrian, Browne; Mr. Masters, John Morrison. Present-Mr. Mayor, Wm. Lambley, Esq.; Mr. Sher. Browne; Alden. Crone, Chartres, Whiteing, Knapp, Francklyn, Delahoide, Hoare, Perdrian, Browne ; Mr. Masters, Wilson, French, Morrison, Smith, Morl9y, Common Speaker. 13 May, 1717. That Mr. Will. Lane be employed as attorney for the Corporation, to appear for them in the Sheriff's Court against those that replevied the goods that were seized by Mr. W oodrufe for petty duties. That the severaLpersons whose premises join the Town Wails between Cockpit-lane and the New Corn Market, may have leases of 99 years of the two foot-walls built on the inside of the said Town Wails, paying 2 shil- lings a foot per annum for their whole front, with a clause that their leases shall be void whenever the Corporation are ordered to rebuild the Town Wall. A blank to be left for the boy that shall be recommended by Ald. Wm. Chartres; the boy's name is Robert, son of Robert Ri0hardson. That James Bright be admitted into S. Stephen's Hospital, recommended by Ald. Jos. Francklyn. That John Gardner be admitted do. recommended by Ald. Delahoide. That Mr. John Collis, who served Mr. Holland Goddard, be sworn free.

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